W.W. Evans Elementary

59 Perry Avenue, Bloomsburg, PA


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  • W.W. Evans Elementary School
    59 Perry Avenue
    Bloomsburg, PA 17815
    FAX:  570.784.4314  
     The mission of the Bloomsburg Area School District is to prepare its students to become contributing, responsible citizens and life-long learners with the ability to adapt and to succeed in a competitive world.
    School Vision Statement
    W.W. Evans Elementary is a school community comprised of students, parents, and staff that share the common desire to promote the academic, social, and emotional growth of all students.  Collectively we strive to provide students with the skills necessary to advance in life and become contributing members of society in the 21st century.  At W.W. Evans, if it is best for kids, we do it!
    Principal: Guy Moses
    School Counselor: Amanda Lombardo
    School Nurse: Myra Golomb
    Health Room Aide: Tara Rickert
    School Secretary: Makenzie Harris