Create! with Miss Kerchusky

  • Self-Portrait: Looking towards the Future

    Materials: paper, pencil, coloring materials

    Draw a Portrait with Sunglasses · Art Projects for Kids

    A self-portrait is a drawing of yourself. Follow the guide to draw a picture of yourself wearing sunglasses. In the sunglasses, draw a reflection of the future. Ex. a place you want to visit

    Music and Movement

    Materials: Coloring medium, paper, music

    Abstract Expressionism

    Cy Twombly-Abstract Expressionist

    Cy Twombly | Gagosian


    Create a Sketchbook

    Materials: Large popsicle stick, rubber band, hole puncher, paper (cut to the size of popsicle stick)


    Outer Space

    Read along with Miss Kerchusky

    Pete the Cat: Out of this World


    Create an outer space scene

    Outer Space Drawing

    Mini Book

    Create a pocket sized book without glue, staples, or tape

    to hold it together!

    How to make a mini book

    Materials: paper, scissors, coloring materials

    Cupcake Creations

    Read along with Miss Kerchusky

    Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes


    Create delicious cupcakes, too!

    Draw a Cupcake

     Tie Dye Prints

    Coffee Filter Art

    Materials: Coffee Filter, Markers, Water, Paper,

    Grocery Bag or Plastic Tablecloth, Spray bottle or a bowl

    Coffe Filter Art

    Create nature art like Andy Goldsworthy!

    Nature Art: Andy Goldsworthy

    Nature Art

    Materials: Leaves, Rocks, Grass, Sticks, etc.

    What other materials can you find outside?

    It's HERE! Check out the link below!

    Aluminum Foil Sculpture

    Aluminum Foil Figure

    Materials: Aluminum Foil, Scissors, Pencil or Marker, Glue (optional)

     Stop Motion Animation

     Stop Motion Example

    Check out the Stop Motion Animator App (free to use)

    Make sure you are using Google Chrome as your browser

    Follow the directions to launch the app and easily create your own stop motion animation:

    Stop Motion Animator Instructions





Art Tutorial Library