Welcome to Mrs. Yeager’s Second Grade Classroom!
Room 107
Memorial Elementary School
Email: myeager@bloomsd.k12.pa.us
6 Day Schedule
Day 1- Reading Buddies
Day 2- Music
Day 3- Gym (wear sneakers)
Day 4- Library (bring library book)
Day 5- No special
Day 6- Art
Major Skills worked on:
Making inferences
Drawing conclusions
Making predictions
Story Elements
Cause and Effect
Character traits
Point of view
Main Idea
Guided Reading Groups-
Students will meet with me on a daily basis. They will read and discuss stories appropriate to their individual guided reading level. Guided reading groups are fluid and based on individual needs.
The big ideas for Math in Second Grade are:
Number basics, place value, comparing and ordering numbers
Addition and Subtraction Without Regrouping
Geometry and Fractions
Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping
Telling Time
Data and Graphs
Multiplication and Division