• myplate

     Melissa Everhart  is the BASD Food Services Director
    Please contact her at meverhart@bloomsd.k12.pa.us or call 570-784-5000, ext 4425.


    The Bloomsburg Area School District Food Service department is a sponsor of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. We are required to follow set guidelines to be eligible for Federal and State reimbursement. We follow the National School Lunch Meal  patterns and monitor the daily amount of calories, fat, saturated fat, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C, as well as cholesterol, sodium, fiber and carbohydrate values. We document through production records, standardized recipes and tracking nutrient values. A sample lunch menu includes an entree, bread, fruit, vegetables and milk.
    School Year 2024-2025: ALL student meals will be at NO CHARGE!
    Students must get a complete meal! 
    As participants in the NSLP, the Bloomsburg Area School District will be participating in the CEP (Community Eligible Program).  ALL student meals (breakfast and lunch) will be at NO charge.  The district qualifies by the percentage of students who qualify for government assistance programs.  No application to participate is necessary for families.

    A computer generated point of sale program is used to keep track of meals. This will enable each child to access their account with a (4) digit ID number at high school and middle school. In the elementary schools, the students'accounts are accessed by using the students' first and last names. Parents can put money in the system for ala carte items (milk, bottled water, etc. and the student draws down funds on a daily basis.

    Students can check the balances in their account on a daily basis when they go through the lunch line. Students will be allowed to charge for ala carte items, if necessary. Students will be allowed to charge up to $15.00.   
    Non-Discrimination Statement and Civil Rights Requirements: Click on to Read
    Full Food Service Policy:  Click on to Read
    Why Hunger:
    • WhyHunger is a leader in building the movement to end hunger and poverty by connecting people to nutritious, affordable food and by supporting grassroots solutions that inspire self-reliance and community empowerment. click link for more information. http://whyhunger.org/