• School Board FAQs

    • What are the duties of the Board of School Directors?
      The school board has the authority to establish, equip, furnish, operate, and maintain the public schools of the Bloomsburg Area School District is vested in the Board of School Directors, which is a body corporate and which is constituted and governed by Title 24, the "Public School Code of 1949," of Pennsylvania statues and Article III of the Constitution.


    • Who serves on the Board of School Directors?
      The Board of Directors is comprised of nine members, all of whom are elected at large.  The term of each school director is four years and expires on the first Monday of December, which is when the board's annual reorganization meeting occurs.

      The Board of Directors is presently comprised of the following individuals:
      • Mrs. Stephanie Andreacci
      • Mr. Sam Bidleman
      • Mr. Jonathan Jones, Treasurer
      • Mr. John Khan, Vice President 
      • Mr. Joshua Klingerman, President
      • Dr. Eric Miller 
      • Mrs. Amanda Orzolek 
      • Mrs. Eve Ralston 
      • Rev. Mark Reisinger 


    • When  are school board meetings held?
      The school board typically meets on the third Monday of each month.  This schedule may vary due to holiday schedules.  The school board meeting schedule can be viewed here.


    • Where are school board meetings held?
      School board meetings are held in person in the Enhanced Learning Center of the Bloomsburg Area Secondary Complex, which is located at 1100 Railroad Street in Bloomsburg, as well as through Zoom.  The Zoom meeting link is posted on the district's web site the day of a school board meeting.  The meeting link can be viewed here.


    • Where can I find a school board meeting agenda?
      The agenda for a school board meeting is typically posted (on BoardDocs) the Friday prior to a school board meeting.


    • Where can I find school board meeting minutes?
      Once approved, school board meeting minutes are posted on BoardDocs.


    • Where can I find school board policies?
      All of our policies are housed in BoardDocs.


    • How can I request the opportunity to address the school board?
      Residents of the Bloomsburg Area School District may address the school board during one of two public comments at each school board meeting.  The first public comment (at the beginning of the meeting) is for items related to the meeting agenda, and the second public comment (at the end of the meeting) is for open topics. 

      Each resident in attendance will be permitted to speak for up to five minutes per meeting. Requests to address the board should be e-mailed to Board Secretary Stephanie Kessler (skessler@bloomsd.k12.pa.us) prior to 5 p.m. the day of the board meeting.  Policy 903: Public Participation in Board Meetings sets forth guidelines for public participation in school board meetings.

      If an individual has a concern about a policy or procedure, as per Policy 906: Public Complaint Procedures, the complaint should be resolved at the lowest level possible, in this order:
      • Informal discussion with employee
      • First level (if informal discussion is unsuccessful) –Complainant should file a written complaint with building administrator.
      • Second level (if deemed appropriate) –Complainant should file a written complaint with superintendent.
      • Third level (if deemed appropriate) –Complainant should file a written complaint with school board.


    • If I have a school board-related question that is not answered here, to whom should I speak?
      Please contact Operations Director/School Board Secretary Stephanie Kessler by calling 570-784-5000 or by e-mailing skessler@bloomsd.k12.pa.us.