Summer Work
Please review the summer work information for your class below. If you have any questions, please email the teacher listed for that class.
AP Calculus - Mr. Kakaley (mkakaley@bloomsd.k12.pa.us)
Click the following link for the AP Calc Entrance Test
AP Chemistry-
Click the following link for the Summer Work AP Chem
AP English Literature & Composition - Mrs. Callahan (rcallahan@bloomsd.k12.pa.us)
*Stop by room 212 to pick up your book. Google Classroom class code nsmomoo
AP Psych - Mrs. Murphy (dmurphy@bloomsd.k12.pa.us)
All information is posted in Google Classroom, class code q2j6jht
Assignments are due the first day of classes
AP US History - Mrs. Murphy (dmurphy@bloomsd.k12.pa.us)All information is posted in Google Classroom, class code tisqaka
Assignments are due the first day of classes
Calculus Honors - Mr. Kakaley (mkakaley@bloomsd.k12.pa.us) or Mr. Yates (jyates@bloomsd.k12.pa.us)Click the following link for the Calculus Honors Entrance Test
English 10 Honors - Ms. Hintz (mhintz@bloomsd.k12.pa.us)Hyperdoc explaining summer work, https://docs.google.com/document/d/19tzRq_66W8oyNHhS7syMfctkxStdE93QoH5nvmEMvLY/edit?usp=sharing
Join Google Classroom eufommq
Geometry Honors - Mrs. Shuman (dshuman@bloomsd.k12.pa.us)
Click the following link for the Geometry Summer Requirements Algebra review pages and Glossary
Honors Algebra II - Mr. Yates (jyates@bloomsd.k12.pa.us)Click the following link for the Honors Algebra II summer work
Honors British & World Literature - Mrs. Callahan (rcallahan@bloomsd.k12.pa.us)All information is posted in "Honors - Summer Work: Google Classroom", class code: c3fhgz5
Read the Welcome Letter carefully; assignments will be due throughout the summer.Please stop by room 212 to pick up a book(s) for Summer Reading.
Honors Pre Calc - Mr. Yates (jyates@bloomsd.k12.pa.us)Click the following link for the Honors Pre Calc summer work
Honors Physics -No summer work